CC Fleet Information - Page 2
Westbound Passenger | Stations | Eastbound Passenger | |||||
"Mail" | "Express" | ||||||
9:45 a.m. | 5:20 p.m. |
9:30 a.m. | 5:00 p.m. | |||
12:15 p.m. | 7:50 p.m. |
7:00 a.m. | 2:30 p.m. | |||
Westbound Mixed | Eastbound Mixed | ||||||
9:55 a.m. |
2:40 p.m. | |||||
11:55 a.m. |
12:40 p.m. |
In June, the railroad’s own shops in Golden produced another baggage car—a tiny 26'-0" one—that would become baggage car #2.
But the road was incredibly slow in paying its bills, and in August the Sheriff of Jefferson County seized locomotive #5 for non-payment of county taxes.
In September the shops produced the first narrow gauge passenger car built in Colorado, which would become coach #3. But at mid-month a financial panic started in the east that would dry up railroad building funds for years to come. Fortunately, the Golden shops had been working on a sister to coach #3, and coach #4 was out-shopped in November. It would be a full four years before the Colorado Central got another passenger car.
— 1874 —
Dawson & Baily shipped an 18 ton Mogul 11 May. It was assigned #1, vacated by the former “Phil Sheridan.”
— 1875 —
Two more 0-6-0s were ordered. One was shipped in late March. The other came two months later. They were numbered #2 and #3, replacing the original 0-4-0s of those numbers.
— 1876 —
The Kansas Pacific was thwarted in an attempt to lease the Colorado Central from the Union Pacific. David Moffat was appointed Receiver in August but was unable to take over the property.
— 1877 —
The Union Pacific—now under the control of Jay Gould— gave up its attempt to impose receivership. In May, work on the Georgetown extension was resumed at Floyd Hill. Track arrived in Idaho Springs 11 June and service began two days later. The first train pulled into Georgetown 13 August. Work was begun on an extension of the line from Black Hawk to Central City. The road’s shops in Golden outshopped coach-baggage car #5.
— 1878 —
In February, the road’s shops at Golden turned out another combination car: coach-baggage #6. Track was completed to Central City, and service was inaugurated 20 May. In July, the Colorado Central shops at Golden built their last narrow gauge car, coach #7. This was a unique car that sounds more like an excursion car than a coach, with large windows that opened downward, making an opening nearly 2' x 5' according to some authorities.
— 1879 —
Third rail was laid from Golden to Argo to serve the Boston & Colorado Smelter. It connected with existing third rail trackage into Denver, allowing passenger trains into that city and interchange with the Denver South Park & Pacific.
The Colorado Central was leased to the Union Pacific for a term of 50 years. Plans were made to extend the line to Georgetown and thence over Loveland Pass to Leadville.
— 1880 —
Total "varnish" consisted of nine cars --
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five coaches (#1, #2, #3, #4, and #7) |
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two baggage cars (#1 and #2) |
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two combination coach-baggage cars (#5 and #6) |
On 11 February coach #3 burned at Georgetown, probably as a result of a derailment or other incident that overturned the coal stove.
In December the Union Pacific produced three coaches for the CCRR, coaches #8, #9 and #10, together with three baggage-mail-express cars, B-M-X #3, #4 and #5.
— 1881/82 —
Perfunctory work was done on the Leadville extension. Chair cars #11 and #12 were acquired from the Ohio Falls Car Manufacturing Company. Grading to Georgetown was done by the end of 1882, but much bridge work remained.
— 1883 —
In January, several runaway boxcars on the Boulder line wiped out the passenger depot in Golden.
In anticipation of tourist business over the Georgetown loop, the Union Pacific built 6 “excursion cars” for the CCRR: no amenities whatsoever, not even window glass. In July they were numbered with the other passenger-carrying cars as excursion #13 - #18. In August, track laying began toward Georgetown. At the end of September, track had reached the site of the “high bridge.” The bridge was completed on November 25, but acceptance was refused because the north and south columns were reversed and riveting was poor done in some places.
— 1884 —
The “high bridge” of the Georgetown Loop was completed to the railroad’s satisfaction 23 January. On 28 February the eastbound passenger train leaving Georgetown was literally blown over by a sudden gale.
Track was completed to Silver Plume 10 March and regular passenger service went into effect 1 April. Excursion business was soon booming.
The Union Pacific built two more coaches for the CCRR in October. Coaches #19 and #20 would be the last built by the UP for the CCRR.
— 1885 —
Total "varnish" consisted of 24 cars --
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nine coaches (#1, #2, #4, #7, #8, #9, #10, #19 and #20, #3 having been destroyed by fire) |
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two chair cars (#11 and #12) |
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two combination coach-baggage cars (#1 and #2) |
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six excursion cars (#13-#18) |
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two baggage cars (#1 and #2) |
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three baggage-mail-express cars (#3, #4 and #5) |
Another passenger train was blown over at the same place as the one the previous year, just east of the Georgetown depot.
— 1887 —
Union Depot Time Card No. 92, dated 9
October 1887 shows the following trains arriving and departing Denver’s
Union Station. {3}
Colorado Division. -- (Narrow Gauge)Depart Arrive No. 381 Georgetown, Silver Plume and Idaho Springs Mail and Express, daily 8:05 am No. 374 Golden Passenger, daily 7:55 am No. 381 Black Hawk and Central City Mail and Express, daily 8:05 am No. 384 Georgetown, Silver Plume and Idaho Springs Exp., daily except Sunday 11:50 am No. 383 Georgetown, Silver Plume and Idaho Springs Exp., daily except Sunday 3:00 pm No. 384 Black Hawk and Central City Exp., daily except Sunday 11:50 am No. 383 Black Hawk and Central City Exp., daily except Sunday 3:00 pm No. 382 Georgetown, Silver Plume and Idaho Springs Mail and Express, daily 6:00 pm No. 373 Golden Passenger, daily 6:35 pm No. 382 Black Hawk and Central City Mail and Express, daily 6:00 pm
— 1888 —
The world-wide price of silver began to drop
— 1889 —
On 6 July the Denver Leadville & Gunnison Railroad was organized by Union Pacific officials and others. On 17 the Denver South Park & Pacific was bought at foreclosure by a committee of its bondholders for $3,000,000. On 29 August 29 the railroad’s assets were transferred to the newly-organized DL&G.
— 1890 —
On 1 April 12 railroads owned by the Union Pacific were combined into the Union Pacific, Denver & Gulf Railway. The Denver Leadville & Gunnison was not included.
On 14 July the Sherman Silver Purchase Act was passed, and the federal government began buying silver to support its price.
— 1891 —
Gold was discovered at Cripple Creek.
— 1892 —
In March, the former Pullman sleepers Advance (U&N), Security (U&N), South Park (DSP&P), Bonanza (DSP&P), Rambler (U&N) and Leadville (DSP&P) were sold by the Pullman-Union Pacific Association to the Union Pacific Railroad for conversion to coaches. In September, these coaches were sold to the UPD&G as coaches #174, #175, #176, #177, #178 and #179.
— 1893 —
On 27 June the stock market crashed, beginning several years of depression. Mints in India—the world’s most important silver market—were closed by Great Britain. Three Denver banks closed and nine suspended business. The Union Pacific, the Santa Fe and the Colorado Midland were all forced into bankruptcy.
In November the Sherman Silver Purchase Act was repealed, devastating the Colorado economy. The price of silver dropped from $1.29/oz. to $0.50/oz. On 18 December Denver coal man Frank Trumbull was appointed separate (from the U.P.) receiver for the UPD&G.
— 1894 —
In July, the Denver Union Station burned to the ground. Coach #176 (former Pullman sleeper San Juan) was rebuilt as a business car, and became UPD&G Business Car #1. And on 7 August, Frank Trumbull was appointed separate (from the U.P.) receiver for the Denver Leadville & Gunnison: from here on the UPD&G and the DL&G would be operated almost as if one railroad, to the betterment of both!
— 1896 —
In January, the long-awaited (13 years) new passenger station was built in Golden.
It was discovered that several Union Pacific subsidiaries had “surplus” narrow gauge passenger cars, probably as a result of being standard gauged. After much dickering, a trade was arranged with the Utah & Northern whereby they received UPD&G standard gauge mail car #1162 and the UPD&G received U&N coaches #131 and #140. U&N #140 became UPD&G coach #189. (Not to be confused with CCRR coach #3 which was on the 1885 renumbering list as CCRR coach #189 with the notation, “Being rebuilt in Omaha,” but never returned). U&N #131 became UPD&G coach #192.
Former tourist sleeper #466 was bought from Pullman and converted to UPD&G coach #193. The roads with “surplus” narrow gauge passenger cars decided to simply place them on standard gauge trucks and use them that way rather than make further trades. So the UPD&G ordered four first-class coaches from the St. Charles Car Company. They would become UPD&G #194, #195, #196 and #197, the last cars bought by the CCRR/UPD&G.
— 1897 —
The timetable from which the following was excerpted may reflect then-current as well as future schedules. {9}
(UNION PACIFIC, DENVER & GULF R'Y)Denver to Black Hawk and Central City Exp. A
No. 43Mail &
Exp. A
No. 41Mi. STATIONS El. Exp. A
40Mail &
Exp. A
No. 423:20 8:15 0
Lv. . . . . . . Denver . . . . . . Ar. 5,170 9:45 6:00 4:05 8:58 16
Ar. . . . . . . Golden . . . . . . Lv. 5,655 9:00 5:17 4:09 9:00 16
Lv. . . . . . . Golden . . . . . . Ar. 5,655 8:46 5:17 || 4:59 || 9:54 29
Ar. . . . . Forks Creek . . . . Lv. 6,880 || 7:56 || 4:23 || 5:05 || 10:00 29
Lv. . . . . Forks Creek . . . . Ar. 6,880 || 7:55 || 4:15 5:35 10:30 36 . . . . . . . Black Hawk . . . . . . .
(The Switch-Back)8,032 7:25 3:45 6:00 10:55 40
Ar. . . . . Central City . . . . Lv. 8,503 7:00 3:20 || - Lunch A. - Daily
Sundays, Train No. 43 will leave Denver at 6:00 p.m.
A.M. time black figures, P.M. time red figures
(UNION PACIFIC, DENVER & GULF R'Y)Denver to Idaho Springs and the Loop No. 55
only.Exp. A
No. 53
Daily.Mail &
Exp. A
No. 51.
DailyMi. STATIONS El. Exp. A.
DailyMail &
Exp. A.
No. 42No. 56
only.11:15 3:20 8:15 0
Lv. Denver Ar. 5,170 9:45 6:00 6:45 12:10 4:05 9:05 16 Golden 5,655 9:00 5:17 5:55 1:05 || 4:59 || 10:09 29
Ar. Forks Creek Lv. 6,880 || 8:05 || 4:23 4:59 1:20 || 5:10 || 10:21 29
Lv. . . Forks Creek . . Ar. 6,880 || 7:53 || 4:10 4:50 1:55 5:40 10:53 37 Idaho Springs 7,543 7:27 3:35 4:22 2:45 6:26 11:40 50 . . . . . Georgetown . . . . .
(The Loop)8,476 6:48 2:45 3:45 3:05 6:50 12:05 54
Ar. Silver Plume Lv. 9,176 6:26 2:20 3:20 || - Lunch A. - Daily
Sundays, Train No. 53 will leave Denver at 6:00 p.m.
A.M. time black figures, P.M. time red figures
— 1898 —
With the Union Pacific in bankruptcy, on 19 November the assets of the Union Pacific, Denver & Gulf were sold at foreclosure to representatives of the bondholders for $6.25 million. On 19 December, the Colorado & Southern Railway Co. was chartered by securities-holders of the UPD&G and of the Denver, Leadville & Gunnison, with a capital of $48 million. On 28 December the assets of the UPD&G were conveyed to the C&S. The passenger car legacy of the UPD&G was 34 cars, including 18 coaches, 2 chair cars, 1 baggage car, 3 baggage-mail-express cars, 2 coach-baggage cars, officer’s car #1 and 7 of the open observation cars.
— 1899: Colorado & Southern —
At the stroke of midnight on January 11, the C&S assumed control of the former Union Pacific, Denver & Gulf and the Denver, Leadville & Gunnison under President Frank Trumbull. This begins another renumbering of rolling stock, of which unfortunately we have no single reliable record. Standard gauge passenger cars were assigned numbers below 100 and narrow gauge passenger cars were assigned numbers over 100.
Chappell {5}
says the CCRR/UPD&G’s contribution was 34 passenger cars, including
Officer’s car #1. But this number would have to include the three coaches bought
by the C&S (#172,
#173 and #174) in mid-1900, which some authorities think were
built in 1892. The correct number of 31 would have consisted of the following:
UPD&G # CCRR # Type C&S # UPD&G # CCRR # Type C&S # 174 Pullman
AdvanceCoach 144 175 Pullman
SecurityCoach 145 176 Pullman
South ParkBusiness B-1 177 Pullman
BonanzaCoach 146 178 Pullman
RamblerCoach 147 179 Pullman
LeadvilleCoach 148 183 2 Coach 140 184 8 Coach 141 185 9 Coach 142 186 10 Coach 143 187 19 Coach 166 188 20 Coach 167 190 11 Chair 150 191 12 Chair 149 194 Coach 168 195 Coach 169 196 Coach 170 197 Coach 171 735 5 Coach-baggage 120 736 6 Coach-baggage 121 820-825 13-18 Excursion 193-198 826 Excursion 199 1036 1 Baggage 101 1323 3 B-M-X 110 1324 4 B-M-X 111 1325 5 B-M-X 112
The story of the Colorado & Southern continues on the
Passenger Cars of the South Park website. Use this
to get there.