Detroit Car Company

The Detroit Car Company—not to be confused with the
Detroit Car & Manufacturing
Company—had its beginnings sometime before 1872, as in that year it erected an
extensive plant on Adair Street.
The Detroit city directory for 1873-4 lists the Detroit Car Works at the
corner of Wight and Adair Streets, with E.C. Walker, President, Geo. H. Russel,
Secretary & Treasurer, and David Sutherland, Manager.
[This means it was probably related to the Russel Wheel & Foundry Company,
as George Howard Russel was one of the founders of that company. It was
apparently also related to the Hamtramck Iron Works, as it shares the
advertisement page with the car works, and Walker and Russel are noted for the
corresponding officerships.]
One authority [149]
says it specialized in passenger cars.
Two of its earliest passenger cars were built for the famed Virginia &
Truckee Railroad. In 1874, Detroit built combination cars #15 and #16 for
caboose service on that line. At that time, cabooses were used for third class
passengers as well as crew. Combination car #15 is presently at the Nevada
State Railroad Museum. You can read more about it at their website.
Combination car #16 is presently at the California Railroad Museum. You can
read more about it at their website. White/Passenger-465
has a scale drawing of these cars.
As far as we know at the time this is written, it appears this company was
out of business by 1876.