Ties to the Future: A 1385 Project

We’re thrilled to announce a challenge grant of $5,000 from an anonymous donor for new railroad ties. Now we need your help to match the challenge so we can claim the $5,000 grant and get the new ties installed in the coming months.
This isn’t just any track maintenance project. As the Chicago & North Western #1385 steam locomotive restoration project nears completion, one of the major tasks still ahead is transporting the restored locomotive back home to Mid-Continent. Shipping the 1385 home by railroad flat car is the preferred option, but there’s a snag: Mid-Continent’s interchange track is rarely used and many of the ties on that portion of the line are rotted and can’t support the weight of 1385. About 275 new ties are needed to make the interchange safe for use.
If you are interested in helping us renew our rail connection to the outside world, bringing 1385 home, and taking a step towards exciting new possibilities, please click the link: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=DB9BNRE2VMTPL
Donations can also be made by phone or mail. For assistance, contact our office staff at 608-522-4261.
Our webpage will be frequently updated with current donation totals so check back to follow our progress! 🚂🌟
Raised amount is accurate as of 3:35 PM on 9/4/2024.

Update Oct. 10, 2024
Thanks to the success of this fundraiser, 275 new railroad ties have been delivered! Installation of the ties is expected to occur in November 2024.