On Friday, Pete Deets, Bob Ristow, Ron Kokemuller, and Jim Connor cleaned up around the boiler and other area’s in the shop. Pete, Bob and I spent some time on the project plan and timeline to make sure we are keeping everything happening in the order we should be.
On Saturday, Roger Hugg, Bob and I worked on measuring and documenting the frame and frame bolts so drawing can be made for replacements. Al Joyce worked on tapping boiler stud holes and installing them. This is a time consuming process because they are taper fit and each one must be fitted to the hole. Ron worked on enlarging the holes in the boiler mounting bracket that attach to the firebox.
Kyle, Jim Busse, Ed Ripp and Jim worked on the power car boiler. On Sunday they continued to install tubes in the power car.
On Sunday, Al continued on the stud work. Things are moving along well.
–Mike Wahl