Billmeyer & Small Gallery
Car J [left], is a
Third Class or Emigrant Passenger Car, seating twenty-six (26)
passengers alongside of car facing each other. Length, in body
twenty-two (33) feet, width, seven and a half (7˝) feet. This car can be
made longer to carry more passengers and either narrower or wider with
only a small additional expense. |
Car M [right],
Combination Second Class Passenger Car, one-third (⅓) for luggage and
two-thirds (⅔) for passengers, seating twenty-four (24) passengers
alongside of car with slat or cushioned seats, as preferred, saloon,
lamps, stove, water cooler, and all other necessary conveniences. Length
in body thirty (30) feet; length over all thirty-six (36) feet; width
seven (7) feet; can be built seven and a half to eight (8) feet wide,
with seats in regular way reversible or stationary as preferred. These
cars have 24 inch wheels and 3 3/8 inch axles. |
Car MM [left], is a
Second Class Passenger Car 6˝ feet wide, seating 36 passengers side-ways
facing each other, is 30 feet long or 36 feet over all. By adding 5 feet
more to its length it will seat 44 passengers. It can be made 7 feet
wide and 35 feet long and seat 36 passengers, with reversible seats 3
abreast, half the number of seats for 2 passengers and the other half
for 1 passenger, —or by making car 8 feet wide will seat 4 abreast,
i.e., 2 seats of two passengers each, and seat 47 passengers. |
The [right] cut
represents a First Class Passenger Car seven feet wide. Length of body
35 feet, length over all 41 feet, will comfortably seat 36 passengers.
The seats are double on one side and single on the other, this
arrangement being reversed in the centre of the car, so that each side
carries half double and half single seats, which secures a proper
balance of weight when the car is full. By adding one foot to width of
car we can make all the seats double on each side, seating four abreast
, and will seat 47 passengers. This car is mounted on our “Patented Truck” with 24 inch wheels and 3 3/8 inch
axles. |
Car X [left], is an
Eight-wheeled Double Drop Bottom Patent Coal Car. Weight about nine
thousand (9,000) pounds. Capacity, eighteen thousand (18,000) pounds.
Will relieve itself of its load without shoveling and can be adapted to
carry coke, lime and ores. |
Car Y [right], is a
First-Class Baggage and Express Car, with swing bolsters. It can be
built seven and a half (7˝) to eight (8) feet wide, increasing its
carrying capacity. The car as shown in [right] cut is seven (7) feet
wide. |
Car Z [left], a
Four-wheeled Side Dump Car. Weight about forty-five hundred (4500)
pounds. Capacity, nine thousand (9,000) pounds of lime, limestone, iron
and silver ore. These cars are extensively used to carry silver and
other ores in the Rocky Mountains, and for lime, limestone and iron ore
in Penn’a., can be easily dumped at any point on
either side of track without detaching car from train, are made
perfectly secure by our improved supports and stays from danger of
tilting while in motion. |
advertisement from 1879. Click pic for enlargement. |