Webcam 1 is on Coach Shed #1 facing the depot (live-streamed)

Video not loading? Try watching directly from the server

Webcam 2 is on Coach Shed #1 facing southeast toward the Engine House (updates every 30 seconds)

No Image? Refresh in progress.

Webcam 3 is in the Office Building facing south toward Coach Shed #1 & #2 (updates every 30 seconds)

No Image? Refresh in progress.

Webcam 4 is in the Passenger Platform Display area facing the Depot (updates every 45 seconds)

No Image? Refresh in progress.

We’re pleased to be able to offer our live webcams for your viewing enjoyment. Streaming video server rental and webcam equipment maintenance cost Mid-Continent Railway Museum about $360 per year. If you enjoy viewing our cameras, please consider donating a few dollars to our Webcam Fund.