Flood Related Cancellations
Train Cancellations and Refunds
All trains through September 30 are cancelled. We are targeting to resume offering train rides on October 6th although further cancellations may be necessary depending on the scope of repairs necessary to the museum’s buildings and track.
If you have a reservation on a train that is cancelled, you will be contacted at the time of cancellation by Mid-Continent staff and will be offered a full refund.
On September 29 and 30, is the Vintage Rail Car Tours event. This walking tour through restored train cars is expected to proceed as planned although some museum buildings and the gift shop may not be open. Train rides will not be available.
For questions, call the Mid-Continent Railway Museum office, Monday-Friday 9 AM to 4 PM at 608-522-4261 or toll free 800-930-1385.