D&R #9 Update 8/4/2024
Update by Jason R.
Fletch and his crew did some work on the #9 this last weekend, and you might be surprised to hear that she is not where she was once sitting. So then where is she? You can probably figure it out by the pictures but Fletch wants to play a little game with all the members of the Mid-Continent Railway Museum called “Where’s the #9”. It’s like Where’s Waldo, but with a 50-ton Locomotive.
Before we moved the #9 to its mystery location, Fletcher and his crew did some fine measurements to document the identification lettering on the side of the cab. It was relatively easy work, but it was done deliberately to ensure the lettering can be recreated as close as possible to its original configuration. We also finalized the movement plan and at the end of the day, the operating crew came over and the #9 started moving again. Unfortunately, Fletcher and I could not stay to the end of the day to help with the move, but many thanks to Steve P., Jay S., Andy S., and the crew for that day. You got the #9 moved to where we needed it. So, take a look at our pictures, and Fletch is confident you can figure out where the #9 is currently located. So, then the next question is WHY is she there?
While you are trying to answer these questions, Fletcher wanted me to ask all our wonderful members if you would consider a donation to the #9 fund. We started our second fundraiser this last spring, and we still need more help to accomplish our goals for this year. The biggest of course being the painting of the cab. So please consider giving and stay tuned for our next post.”
Fletch’s Crew At Work

D&R #9 On the Move

Where’s #9?