D&R #9 August Session Update
Update from Jason Reiman:
“The #9 crew did double duty this month with two separate volunteer sessions: one on Aug 9, and a second on August 19th. Unfortunately, Fletcher or I were not able to make it to either session as Fletcher was participating in the Juneau County Fair.
On August 9, the crew finished removing the bolts that secure cab down to the locomotive. Some air brake piping and accessories that ran up through the cab floorboards were also removed, along with the Auxiliary Reservoir. We once again contacted Comet Welding to fabricate new hanging brackets for the Aux Res, like we had done for the Equalizing reservoir. Thanks, Mike Laabs, for coordinating that. Thanks to Mike Laabs, Jay Slinde, and Steve Pahl for your efforts on that day.
On August 19, we moved all of the loose parts that we previously removed and were storing to the Eastside (outside) of storage building 1 and logged them in. All parts were properly marked with paint pens, and checked in. Thanks, Mike, for the donation of the pens! And thanks Jay and Steve again, and also a thank you to Tyler and Richard P.
Thanks to the crew for a safe and productive August, and just a reminder that the next volunteer session on the #9 will be Saturday September 9. Hope to see you there.”