More pieces are getting mounted to the new boiler as we can see in the following comparison shots.
First up is the brake stand and power reverser quadrant. Here’s the before (top) and after (bottom) shots below. As an added bonus, the air brake gauge bracket shown in place on the boiler.

The top of the boiler is pictured below with an additional 3 shots following the first that show the safety valve turret and where the cab turret will be attached.
The location of said attachment can be seen here. Both turrets will be clamped down on a bronze ring or donut which allows for slight variations in positioning. The white ring in the foreground is a plastic dummy ring used as a substitute while the hole in the boiler was being finished.
The next shot is a better detail of the safety valve turret. The arm sticking from the side of the turret is where the whistle is mounted. The steam supply for the whistle comes from the turret.
The last shot is the steam gauge bracket with a double bonus! In the background is the turbo-generator shelf and one of the handrails. That handrail is mounted above the main handrail in the area where the runboard steps up and over the air compressors. The FRA (originally ICC) has a required minimum distance between the handrail and the runboard. Rather than making a series of fancy bends in the main handrail on that side of the boiler the C&NW opted for the simpler (read cheaper) route of a second, short piece of railing.