Read to the end to see how you can volunteer to help bring 1385 back to operation!
The next fixture to be mounted on the backhead of 1385’s boiler is the firedoor – the fireman’s target. The Franklin air-operated Butterfly door had been completely rebuilt and was patiently waiting its turn to rejoin the 1385. Like other appurtenances mounted on the boiler the firedoor will have to utilize a spacer ring to allow for the height of the staybolt heads that stand proud of the boiler surface. As noted in earlier updates current construction codes require that the head of the staybolt stand above any weld.
The first step in the process is a simple cardboard and paper template is set on the backhead to mark the position of each of the staybolts. The template for the adapter ring is an outline of the door mounting ring.

After the adapter ring has been cut out of a plate of steel it is set up on the bed of a CNC milling machine and the clearance notches for the staybolt heads are cut so the adapter and the door can lay flat on the boiler.

The adapter is then positioned and clamped to the backhead so the holes for the mounting studs can be drilled and tapped.

Once the drilling and tapping is finished the rebuilt door is mounted.

Here is a before and after comparison.

As an added bonus here is a short video clip of the door in action in its new home.
For extra credit here is a comparison of the backhead between the start of 2022 and late 2022. Installation visible included the lubricator, throttle, try-cocks, sight glasses, grates and grate shaker mechanism, and firedoor.

C&NW #1385 Volunteer Opportunity
Calling All Volunteers:
Who: YOU!
What: Painting Party for parts of the 1385
Where: Middleton, WI
When: Friday & Saturday February 24 & 25, 2023
Why: To help complete the Rebuild and Reconnect with the Engine
It has been far too long since we’ve had a 1385 Volunteer Session at SPEC Machine and we are going to cure that with a painting party! We will be painting many loose parts for the engine such as the ashpan, brackets for the air tanks, bracket for the power reverse, sand dome parts and many others. This is a Friday and Saturday session to allow business owner Steve at least a one day weekend.
We plan to start about 9 AM both days and knock off around 4 – 5 PM whenever a good stopping point is reached.
There will be a big pot ‘o chili for lunch and folks are encouraged to bring along something to share. Potluck is always such fun.
If you can make it one day or both please either sign up on our volunteering form (use button below) or previous volunteers can contact Pete Deets directly. RSVP is required so that enough chili can be cooked up.
Any time given will be thankfully accepted greatly appreciated.
**UPDATE** Due to insurance requirements related to this volunteer session being held at a contractor’s facility, this volunteer session will only be open to members of Mid-Continent Railway Historical Society. To learn more about becoming a member and the perks that come with membership, visit the Join Us page.