1385 Update: December 2020
In the second half of December, Steve Pahl, Sr., Mid-Continent’s General Foreman of Steam Power took photos of 1385 at SPEC Machine and reported the following recent progress and items coming up in the immediate future.
- The saddle bolt holes have been drilled and are in the process of being reamed. The saddle bolts still need to be produced.
- Pistons and rods have been returned with the piston rod and re-trued (cut on a lathe). The pistons themselves are ready to be reassembled.
- The valve slides should be ready for heat-treating in January 2021.
- The crosshead slide drawings are complete and are awaiting machine time.
- The furnace bearers along with all components are fitted and ready for final securement after the smokebox is secured to the saddle.
- The two 9-1/2″ air compressors shown being test in the previous 1385 will soon be mounted in their rightful location on the fireman side of the locomotive.
- The firedoors will be painted by early January in preparation for installation on the backhead.
- Superheaters have been installed and preliminary testing is completed. They still need to pass final hydro testing.
- SPEC Machine hopes to have the smokebox completed by the end of January 2021, in as far as it will be:
- Secured to the saddle with bolts.
- Grouted (to fill the voids between the cylinder saddle and smokebox and help make the two pieces become one)
- Have the smokestack installed
- And have the draft appliances installed, including the petticoat pipe, spark arrester, and associated components.
- Saddle bolt holes have been drilled in preparation of final securement of the firebox and boiler to the saddle. View is looking up at the ceiling from the cylinders. S. Pahl photo
- 1385’s piston rods have been re-trued and ground to a finish. S. Pahl photo.
- Furnace bearers and related components are fitted and ready for final securement of the boiler. These bearers allow the boiler to expand and contract while still being supported by the locomotive frame. S. Pahl photo.
- Another view of the furnace bearers. S. Pahl photo.
- View inside the smokebox of the saddle bolt holes (holes in the floor of smokebox). S. Pahl photo.
- Reaming is underway by SPEC Machine. S. Pahl photo.
- The saddle bolts will be inserted through the holes to secure the boiler to the saddle and locomotive frame. This is the only point where the boiler is solidly affixed to the frame. S. Pahl photo.