1385 Update: At the Sawmill
Greetings from the 1385 Steam Team!
Although progress is happening on the locomotive back at the shop, we had a unique work experience that took place over August 16, 17, and 18 during the Badger Steam and Gas Engine Club annual show.
Mike W, Pete D, Ed R, and the rest of the regular sawmill crew, met and sawed the wood needed for the tender foot board and the tender coal boards. They used steam power in the form of traction engines to run the sawmill at the Badger Steam and Gas Show. Ash and white oak logs were used.
We would like to thank the Badger Steam and Gas Engine Club for the donation of the time of their mill to help another steam engine get back to operation. The lumber is now at the museum awaiting installation. The coal boards will be used to hold back the coal in the tender as it is filled. As the pile drops the boards get taken out. Once we fill the tender back up, the coal boards get placed back into their pockets.
The foot boards will be mounted at the rear of the tender and provide a place for trainmen to ride during switching operations. For safety, the footboards will only be used when the locomotive is traveling forward.
Looking forward, we are in the preparation stage for our next hydro test. More information will be available soon.
Thank you for your positive help and financial support with this project.
Andy S.
Mid-Continent President